Hey, it's the Penguin's birthday!
Of course, if you look at the messages closely, you'll see:
A) They're under 140 characters
B) They're all heavily trolling
C)The snarky bon mots are nowhere near as clever as the sender thinks
D) The senders all have cutsie handles
The Gotham underground just invented Twitter five and a half decades early!!
Given his heavy use of bird themes, it makes sense that Cobblepot would be involved in the birth of Twitter!!
Oh, and just like today...
...some powerful people can be sent into an absolute tizzy by a tweet.
From World's Finest Comics #55 (1951), as reprinted in DC Special #14 (1971)
1 comment:
Brilliant, Snell. Brilliant. That deserves a slow clap. (The good kind)
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