Of course you "could have" caught yourself on film!! Peter Parker did it all the time!!! (True, it never made sense that he was able to, but--comic books, man!!) The "super-brain" from Krypton couldn't figure out a way to set a camera to automatically take pictures while he's in action?
Of course, one could question WGBS' judgement, as well, for sending up a reporter solo in a copter, and expecting a civilian to fly it AND take news photos at the same time...

From Superman #297 (1976)
Is there actually a Jonah in the story, or is that a wink at JJJ?
I believe he was making a reference to the biblical Jonah there, as there is no other Jonah anywhere in the issue. Of course, Jonah wasn't particularly unlucky so...?
But of course, it's also a wink at JJJ...
The biblical Jonah has always been considered an ill omen by sailors, so I'd guess it refers to that (as well as the JJJ reference)
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