But what about the other not-yet-a-state? Weren't they also in danger?
We're at a nightclub in Hawaii, were some of America's finest are chillin' after a hard day of protecting the world for democracy, when...
Well, Uncle Sam and Buddy go to consult Hawaii's top zombie expert...
[For the record, Google and Wikipedia are silent on the topic of Osaka Sidi. Perhaps the creators just made it up, or perhaps they badly mangled the name/translation of something sorta real. Or maybe, just maybe, they ARE a real Japanese terror society, and are so powerful they've erased all references to their group. In which case, if I vanish tomorrow, well, you know what happened.]
So...can Buddy (and the marines) stop them?
Fortunately, Uncle Same has broken free, and he knows what to do:
From Uncle Sam Quarterly #7 (1943)
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