Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Why I'm Not A Cat Person

Len Wills is living the dream...he marries a rich dame, and proceeds to spend her money on...

Swamis? Really?

Of course, there are drawbacks--Gloria is a little bit...well, not nice:

PRO-TIP: Never give your husband the idea to murder you...

See, he never would have come up with that on his own!

PRO-TIP #2: Don't go to a swami for murder advice:

Well, Len poisons her, no one is the wiser, and he's living the high life. But at the funeral:

Uhhh, Len, "developed from thin air" isn't quite how reincarnation works...

Len decides that the cat IS Gloria, so he's going to keep it and mistreat it for all the years of abuse he had from Gloria:

But you can only push a cat so far...


And worse? The scratch became infected, and, well...

Must have been cat scratch fever...

Oh, but wait...this is a horror comic, so simple revenge is not enough of a twist, no sir:

So, in summary: cats are reincarnated evil women who are not-so-secretly trying to kill you.

Don't say you weren't warned.

From Mister Mystery #15 (1954). Siskoid, please feel free to pilfer the images for Cat Of The Geek.


SallyP said...

This may be possibly one of the greatest comics ever written.

Nancy said...

And, by the way, if cats ARE evil women reincarnated, they are not trying to kill ME--just mouse-like men....

Captain Blog said...

I hate cats too.
They are of the Devil.