Want to understand your dreams? Why not turn to the pop psychology of a 1950s comic book?

Hmmm...I can safely say that I've never had any of those dreams (at least, not that I can remember).
Oh, wait, there's more!

Really? Dreaming of overalls is good luck?? Dreaming of presents means you will always be showered with gifts?!? Is this pop psychology or pop mysticism??
This was from Black Cat Mystery #51 (1954), which means it was during the time Morpheus was imprisoned. So, I guess dreams meant whatever the hell you wanted them to...
'Mrs Murphy's Chowder'? What? Are they on drugs?
And that gifts dream is far too literal, I choose not to believe it.
Well, I live in overalls, but to my knowledge, I never dream of 'em. That's pretty strange stuff!
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