Now, further suppose that, when it comes time to issue a cutting and witty riposte to said someone, you end up drawing a blank.
Well, that happens to all of us. So here at Slay Monstrobot, we want to help you triumph in the petty dramas of you versus your archenemy. At no extra charge, even!
So next time you're in a verbal conflict with your dread nemesis, drop this on them:
From the 2009 Free Comic Book Day Atomic Robo. Specifically, the story is Why Atomic Robo Hates Dr. Dinosaur. And it's free on Comixology. So go read it already, because it's pretty hi-larious!!
Oh, Atomic Robo. Possibly the best argument available for the continuing existence of comics. perfect.
Great for the audience who gets my Planet Lunch shirt - ( ) - but for the rest of the herd, i'm gonna stick with "You should have been swallowed, not conceived!"
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