Throughout many DC comics in the late 70s, in the backgrounds of the comic stories you would often see posters advertising the debut of the 1978 Superman movie.
Which led young David Mickus to ask in the Answer Man column of Superman #346 (1980):

Now, other stories always made it clear that, in the DC Universe, Superman approved of, and was a consultant on, that movies and others about him. At other times in-story, we've seen people trying to make a Wonder Woman movie. And I'm sure there's others I'm not aware of.
Of course, that makes one wonder--has anyone in the DCU tried to make a Batman movie? What would it be like, given that the filmmakers wouldn't know any details of his origin? Would Batman care? Would Bruce Wayne buy the studio just to quash the movie (lest it somehow damage his scary creature of the night image)?
And, given the secret identity thing, would Batman (or any other hero) be able to sue, for libel or publicity rights or anything? If Superman wanted to stop a movie being made about him, could he (not by smashing it up, but legally)?
And, most importantly, do they have any "fictional" characters from other universes having comics books, etc, in the DCU? Was there an Iron Man movie? Do they have X-Men comics?
I think about these things too much...
I can't think of any actual examples, but given that Marvel characters have made reference to Superman as a fictional character, a film or two seems likely.
There was that issue of JLA in the early 70's that had the League attend a fancy dress party where some of the public were dressed as Marvel characters.
Isn't Spiderman always trying to break into show biz as a stunt double? Wonder Man was a quasi-movie actor too. Frankly, that's pretty lame. Go to work for Stark Enterprises if you want to cash in!
There was that weird time in the 70s when every Halloween, the heroes were in Rutland VT. One year (1973?), you saw the same "story" from two perspectives, I think Amazing Adventure with The Beast and one of the JLA issues. Marvel heroes would be people in costumes on floats in JLA and vice versa in AA.
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