BTW, that makes two Marvel icons--Iron Man and Hulk--who started out grey in their first issue and immediately switched. Hmmm. Yet unlike the Hulk, where no in-story explanation was given for the switch, Iron Man had a very, very important reason for going gold.
Why did Tony Stark change his armor? One reason, and one reason only--to be popular!!
We start of as Tony Stark takes his beautiful date Marion to the circus--because that's where all billionaire playboys take their dates--and all the animals break out!! This is clearly a job for--IRON MAN!!
So powerful is Stark's craving to be a beloved idol, he decides to take super-hero fashion advice from his date of the hour:
Still, Marion is very pretty, so of course Stark takes her advice to heart:
But, Tony Stark is nothing if not insecure, so within a year he would change once again to the more familiar red and gold--doubtless because some date he took to the roller rink said "Tcch, that Iron Man is so monotone!! He should accessorize more...and maybe some red, so we would know he's a red-blooded American!!"
Tony Stark is more of a clothes horse than even the Wasp!
It's kind of hard for Tony to HAVE an iconic costume, considering he changes it every other Wednesday. My personal favorite was the one with the roller skates.
Marion is a peach, but look at Tony's eyelashes in that last picture, Revlon would charge the earth for lashes that skew out in both directions.
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