A villainous snake-woman named Lady Viper bit her, you see, but instead of killing her, the poison transformed her into a similar creature.
Barbara eventually realized that she could control it...

Sadly, Bat-Snake-Girl found Lady Viper, beat her, got a sample of her venom, had heroic young doctor create an antidote from it, and she went back to being plain old boring Batgirl, with no hot pants. Sigh...
And what happened to Lady Viper, you may ask?

Anyway, Gail Simone, if you out there, how about putting Batgirl back into hot pants?? Think about it, won't you?
From Detective Comics #517 (1982)
So...somewhere out there, is a talking Snake that hates Batgirl. I smell a multi-crossover event!
Must have been snap-crotch hot pants, otherwise they'd still get ruined.
I wonder was this where they got the (lame) idea to have Cobra Commander devolve into the form of a snake in "GI Joe: The Movie" back in 1987?
I'd forgotten all about that one. Merssssssifully.
So, who wrote this one? And *why* is the Snake Lady a Snake Lady? Are we given a reason for her being, or is she just... there?
Cary Burkett wrote it.
Lady Viper's origin was given in the previous issue (which I don't have). There's a good recap & origin here at this page.
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