But no mere animal, and no mere man.
Let us travel back to the far-off days of 2000...and this first panel is for the ladies:

Oh, did I mention? That naked chap is Victor Von Doom. and the world? Counter-Earth. No, not your good old-fashioned High Evolutionary Counter-Earth. Nope, this is the Franklin Richards-created Heroes Reborn Counter-Earth.
See, it's now in our dimension, and stuck in Olde Counter-Earth's orbit, and a mad Celestial exiled Doom there, bereft of armor and weapons, and...look, I was out of comics at the time, and none of this makes any sense even to me, so just follow along, OK?
Where were we? Oh yes: Doom, naked, Counter-Serengeti. And he's about to meet a friend...
Once again, Slay Monstrobot is the internet's home for "man-on-animal" action!!
I think Spacebooger just called PETA...
Chuck Dixon and Leonardo Manco show that while the lion may be the kings of beasts, he ain't the king of Latveria, in Doom #1 (2000).
It's time for you to go vote. Now, if you don't vote for, some naked dude with a vaguely European accent might turn up on your doorstep and start attacking your pets. You have been warned. So vote!!

Well, I tried to go vote. But none of those links actually go anywhere to enable that.
My bad. Links fixed. The voting officially doesn't go live until 11pm est, but Fred usually has it up earlier, by 9 or 10.
Lionface in The Latverian Simba Massacre.
I remember this! But what I didn't remember, is the scan where the Lion is first attacking Doom. Does...does that lion have abs, pectorals and a belly button? It sure looks like it...but that's impossible!
A) They grow lions differently on Counter-Earth B)Leonardo Manco just drew a lion tail and head on his human model.
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