So for this week's Friday Night Fights, let's head back to WWII. G.I. Robot has just been destroyed!! J.A.K.E. #1 (Jungle Killer Automatic Experimental #1--what, you didn't know that?) sacrificed himself to save the Creature Commandos--and the entire Pacific Fleet!--from the terrors of Atlantis II (see, I told you war was weird!!)
The focal point of the whole Pacific theater is now the tiny island of Tattu--control its airstrip, and you have a massive tactical advantage. The Japanese know this, and given J.A.K.E.'s demise, they've decided that it's time to unveil their own secret weapon:

How tough is Krakko?

But can J.A.K.E. #2 take on Krakko??

Hold on...what's this?

Spacebooger just shot me before I could make another head joke.
The cool parts of war that HBO mysteriously left out of The Pacific were brought to you by Robert Kanigher and Fred Carrillo in Weird War Tales #113 (1982).
Now it's time to go and vote for my fight this week. Because seriously--a robot soldier just whipped around his own head like a wrecking ball to destroy a samurai robot. I should win just on the description alone. But J.A.K.E. #2 gave up his head to defend your rights, so vote for one of the other fights, if you desire. But vote.

Ok, that's...simply bizarre. But in a GOOD way.
That is a heads up display of how to adapt and overcome. Semper Fidelis, JAKE. Thankfully, the terrible hostilities have ended. Because, as the Shogun Warriors taught us, samurai robots are rad.
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