I mean, sure, Hal's a test pilot, and in some continuities he's ex-military, so maybe there's some basis for assuming he's buff without the ring. And Barry's just some lab rat, a scientist, and we know they're all wusses, right?
Ehhh...I don't know. Particularly in the nu52, Hal's been portrayed as pretty dim and arrogant, and pretty worthless without the ring.
And Barry? He's smart, man. And don't forget his killer instinct (right, Zoom?) I don't think the fight is as clear cut as The Answer Man seems to think.
Chime in, peeps.
Barry would be flapping his arms, trying to whip up a windstorm. Hal would sock him in the jaw. Fight over.
Awww MAN! Bob Rozakis himself actually responds here... and I actually have to tell him he's wrong.
I've seen Barry beat Hal AT LEAST twice in the late 70's-early 80's. I've also seen Zoom beat Hal twice, once as himself and once disguised as Barry.
Sorry, Mr. Rozakis!
(P.S. Your "The Man Who Melted Manhattan" BATMAN FAMILY story was one of the most insanely awesome things I've ever read.)
Think of it this way: Guy who makes light vs. guy who's faster than light. Who do you THINK is gonna win?
I really only started getting interested in DC after devouring all of JLU and most of Superman and Batman animated. Apologies... I just felt it was time to admit that in group. Without powers, Stewart can beat Rayner and Wally AND Hal. Hal can beat Wally. When I came on the scene, Barry had been dead for so long. Past time I really opened up here in group: why was / is Barry so awesome?
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