Monday, June 27, 2016

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--Superman's Deadly Overreacton To Scofflaws!

It all starts with some seemingly innocent charity work...

Oh, dear. This isn't going to go well, is it?

Meanwhile, there's a fire, and 38 people are killed or injured trying to escape but tripping over Superman's "lesson."

While Superman was perpetrating this little lesson, 28 people died when a ferry capsized, 10,000 were left homeless in a Chinese earthquake, and Luthor took over the government. But at least Billy learned to be a little more thoughtful...

From The Adventures of Jerry Lewis #71 (1962)


Green Luthor said...

Meanwhile, the Metropolis police are stumped by the recent bicycle-stealing crime wave...

(Seriously, Supes, where'd you get all the bikes?)

SallyP said...

Oh Metropolis is just crawling with scofflaws !

Unknown said...

Great. Now I'll never be able to watch The Bicycle Thief again without thinking Superman did it.

Madman said...

This sort of idiocy is why Marvel took over the comic area in the 60's. Superman has nothing better to do than try to teach a kid about picking up after himself?

The only thing worse are those silly imaginary stories. Is that all you can do with these iconic heroes? I guess so !

snell said...

Madman--In fairness, that was a PSA sponsored by the National Social Welfare Assembly, not an actual story. So no more canonical than a Hostess cupcake ad...

Unknown said...

Plus, it was from The Adventures of Jerry Lewis and not an actual Superman comic book, so it's off-canon methinks.