Monday, June 20, 2016

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--Beware Of Pre-Code Killer Cat Cults!!

They've managed to put my dreams on paper...

Ah, Rulah versus the Cat Queen and her killer cat maidens!

The villainess is pretty harsh on her prisoners...

Well, if you gotta go, "mauled by scantily-clad cat-ladies" might not be the worst way.

Oh, the Cat Queen is similarly tough on the hired help when they fail her:

Even Rulah The Jungle Goddess herself has a tough time with these creatures...

Until we find their kryptonite:

And, Rulah's panther Saber ends the Cat Queen's reign:

OUCH!!! That had to hurt!!

Live by the cat, die by the cat, I guess...

From All Top Comics #12 (1948)