Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Night Fight--Threesome Style!!

So, Stars And Garters thinks he can steal my "man-on-animal action" shtick with a gorilla fight last week, eh?

All right then. Game on, Friday Night Fights style!

Grodd has just been executed--disintegrated!--but a compatriot of his has been putting various Flashes through their paces, setting them up against crazy menaces whilst siphoning a wee bit of their super-speed.

Which is enough, you see, to lead to this:

No problem, right? Three Flashes can take down the Groddster, right?

OMG, Grodd with force-of-mind powers AND super-speed? Something tells me this isn't going to go too well...


D'oh again!!!!

And now, my favorite panels of all time...

D'oh to the third!!

Ah, but the game is not yet over...

Prepare for the fangasm...

OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hells yes!!!

Spacebooger would like to remind you that Jay is younger and dumber and in a different dimension, and Wally doesn't exist, so good luck ever seeing anything this cool in the nu52.

Fangasm provided by Cary Bates, Alex Saviuk and Joe Giella in Flash Spectacular (a.k.a. DC Specials Series #11) (1978)

Now is the time for you to go and vote for my fight. Why? Three Flashes merging their atoms together--who's gonna beat that? So go vote!!