Saturday, June 2, 2018

Why I Hate The Silver Surfer!

The Silver Surfer is trying to save a young woman's life...but circumstances have made everyone think that he's trying to kill her. So...

OK, bad form by a human, I admit.

And Norrin Radd? Pissed.

OK, getting angry, melting the guns? All justified.

But because one cop frakked up, Surfer is going to punish the entire human race:

Now, perhaps we should try to tally the hundreds killed when all power and communications went out.

(And I suppose if you want to, you can try to rationalize that, despite what we saw, Radd actually allowed every plane in the air to land, and everyone on life support to still have power somehow, and...)

But the bottom line is: the Silver Surfer is a dick.

John Buscema and Joe Sinnott sure draw him purty, though.

From Silver Surfer #3 (1968)


TC said...

With his superior alien intellect, it still never occurred to him that the Earth people might misunderstand his intentions.

And he teaches them that "force is never the answer." By unleashing cosmic force beyond anything that humans are capable of.


Warren JB said...

"(And I suppose if you want to, you can try to rationalize that, despite what we saw, Radd actually allowed every plane in the air to land, and everyone on life support to still have power somehow, and...)"

I believe it as much as I believe the Hulk is doing physics equations in his head to make sure no-one's blattered during his temper tantrums...

SallyP said...

Yeah, he has always been pretty whiney.