Monday, June 11, 2018

Manic Monday Bonus--Take That, Justin Turdeau!!

From the letters column in Superboy #115 (1964):

Silver Age DC fans: Hey, characters violating obscure, never-enforced laws ruins our enjoyment of this super-powered fantasy!

Silver Age DC editors: It's OK to mutilate Canadian currency!!

Still perhaps that's preferable to...

Some modern DC fans: To hell with laws, Superman should straight up murder bad guys.

Modern DC editors and movie makers: We're with you.

Wow, this got real dark real fast...


SF said...

Holy crap. I thought the complaint was going to be that dimes are not made of silver, but

"Dimes, Quarters, and Half Dollars. Roosevelt and Mercury Dimes, Washington Quarters, and Walking Liberty Franklin and Kennedy Half-Dollars minted in 1964 and earlier are 90% silver. The value of most circulated coins minted in the 1920′s through 1964 is primarily from their silver content."

I had no idea! I would have guessed that actual silver stopped being a thing in coins circa WWI or so.

snell said...

The "our money must have the actual physical value as it's denomination" movement took a surprisingly long time to fade away. Hell, the Gold Standard wasn't officially officially ended in the U.S. until 1976...