Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Best Cover You've Never Seen--Superman #185 (1966)

OK, probably not the greatest cover...

...but it's so damned emblematic of Silver Age DC, it sort of serves as an ur-cover, a perfect encapsulation of the nuttiness.

And note the caption:

What do you mean "finally"??? Were you rooting for him to have a mortal weakness? And I would have thought that Superman already had a mortal weakness or two--kryptonite and magic!!

Speaking of kryptonite, unlike many of it's Silver Age ilk, this cover is 100% accurate! Exposure to that pesky red kryptonite has left Kal-El with one vulnerable spot on his body. He tells everybody about it, and wears a steal box to cover it. But a Metropolis gang believes that Superman is fibbing, because there's no way he would reveal his vulnerability--he must be trying to distract attention for his *real* vulnerable area! So they spend the story shooting various parts of Superman's body with poison arrows!

Yeah, that's Silver Age.

Anyway, dear readers, let's make this an end of holidays/back to work prizeless contest. Where do you think Superman's vulnerable body part is?!?

Answer tomorrow.


George Chambers said...

Well, given DC's consistent love of "irony" during this period, I'd say Superman's Achilles Heel was... his heel?

(And yes, I know what irony is. DC's Silver Age writers and editors didn't, though.)

SallyP said...

His left ear lobe.