Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Bold Fashion Choices--Accept No Silver-Coated Substitutes!

I know that I am a lone voice in the wilderness on this...

...but Captain Atom's pre-Crisis uniform was the best. Period.

Yes, I'm crazy.

From DC Comics Presents #90 (1986)


Ozma Gibbs said...

His original Charlton yellow and orange costume was really the best. But yeah, the Silver Surfer with boots and gloves look was an inexplicably bad choice.

Mista Whiskas said...


SallyP said...

Well, well... if it isn't Captain Shinypants.

B Smith said...

You can be sure that if it was adapted for TV or cinema, the costume would be the first thing to go.

googum said...

What? Silver all the way! Although I prefer that with the disgruntled, why-is-this-happening look Kevin Macquire would give him.