You know, I can just picture the meeting deep inside the bowels of Kenner HQ...
JONES: Sir, there's a problem with our new doll, Nice Nancy!!
SMITH: What's the problem, Jones?
JONES: Well, we gave her a voicebox, just like you wanted...but someone screwed up!! Half the time, she just strings random nonsense phrases together! We'll have to junk the entire run!!
SMITH: Not so fast, Jones, I'm having a brainstorm. Hmmm....It's not a bug, it's a design feature!! We market the doll as if we deliberately wanted her to talk nonsense!!
JONES: You're a genius, sir!!

Wow. But you know there was no way that a Nice Nancy doll was going to work, even had it been planned, right?
Well I had a Chatty Cathy (which I loved) but I don't remember this one.
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