I know, I know, it wasn't the worst movie ever. But I looooove A Princess Of Mars, and the disparity between that book and that..."movie," that gulf of quality, is particularly painful to me. Plus, it didn't even take place on Mars!!!
But, the good side of the story is that the travesty inspired me to dig out my back issues of Marvel's John Carter, Warlord Of Mars. Ahhhh.....blessed relief.
Let me just say, there was nothing--nothing--in that movie that was 1/1,000,000th as cool as these scenes:

I know Marvel can't release these in trade or Essentials because of the license and all (so it's a good thing I have them...although I can't find Annual #1, dammit). But it would be really nice if the Burroughs estate and GITCorp could do like Paramount and GITCorp did for Star Trek, releasing a DVD-Rom collection of all the Burroughs comics over the years across all the companies. Guys, I'd be first in line, and I'd pay cash.
Plus, why in the name of Barsoom isn't someone publishing a John Carter comic book right now? Huh?? Don't wait for the Pixar movie--do it NOW!!!
Anyway, lessons learned today: The "movie" sucked worse than humanly possible, the comics are great, someone find a way to republish them, and somebody make some new ones.
I have a batch of these, that I hadn't read in a while. And now I'm at work, and they're at home...thanks, Snell! I will have to take a look, though; I just might have the annual.
Tsk. You one of those guys who has to find it at a physical location?
Oh, I know I could just buy it online (or, doubtless, at my local comics shoppe). But I already own the sucker...I just can't figure out what box it's in...
I've got the movie queued up on TiVo, so I'll soon be joining you in despair.
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