Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bold Fashion Choices--Clark Kent!

Oh, no!! Superboy's got a big problem!!

Due to a milk spill caused by a bully...

...and said bully stumbling upon Clark Kent's hidden clothes when Superboy had to rush off to stop an armed robbery...

Well, this is DC, so there's a remarkably easy way out of this:

What? Always?!?

Yup. In The New Adventures Of Superboy series of the early 80s, Clark Kent did indeed always--always--wear red sweaters, blue pants and white shirts (except in such cases where specialized clothing was required, like hunting or scout meetings or what have you).

Jeez, Clark--always the same outfit?? Even mild-mannered "drips" like your secret identity had at least a couple of different outfits. But always the same?? Was John Nathan-Turner dressing you?!?! Did DC editorial issue some edict that Clark always dress the same, lest readers somehow not recognize him?!?

Oh, yeah, the story. Superboy's heat vision not only dries stains, but somehow miraculously cleans the sweater as well:

And the easy availability of milk and identical wardrobery provides Clark an easy way out:

This, by the way, was the incident that prompted Kal-El to keep his clothes "super-compressed" in a pouch beneath his cape. So thank you, "Bash" Bradford.

Superboy's stunningly banal ensemble was revealed in The New Adventures Of Superboy #9 (1980).


Mark Engblom said...

I had hoped to go to my grave without reading a panel featuring Superboy, Ma Kent, and the phrase "special stain".

Thanks to you, Snell....I did. ;-)

snell said...

I aim to serve :-)

Fanboy Wife said...

This is great. Now, why is Superboy carrying his glasses?

snell said...

Well, he doesn't actually need to wear them, they're just part of his "disguise."

Philip Marlowe said...

That John Nathan Turner crack put a Colin Baker-sized pit in my stomach...