Of course, just as becoming the Surfer was a terrible curse for Norrin Radd, so too this Jet Ski would be a curse for contestants.
First, you had to get the high score on this game:

Ah, but even if you somehow managed to get the high score?

And of course, when you do get to drive it, you just coast around the lake pontificating about how much your life sucks...
Ad from What If? #23 (1991). Panels from Silver Surfer #1 (1968)
Since when is committing genocide every time you get the munchies not hip???
Oh, wait...that's really NOT hip... :o (runs away embarrassed)
That ad is thing of beauty, Snell! And who's he got jammed into his chrome-plated hiene there.....Element Lad?
As for the Surfer's constant moaning and groaning: Was there ever a character more perfectly designed for the late teen-early 20's demographic and their crushing (largely imagined) burdens? Sure, Peter Parker had money problems...but the Surfer? His pain was operatic in size and frequency....perfect for the self-pitying set!
The game is beatable.
But I don't need a jet ski that bad.
Messed up the html there. Just copy/paste.
John Buscema had to draw the "Surfer crying into his arm" pose (seen in the last panel) so often he probably could draw it in his sleep after a while. I swear to God that pose was in every fifth panel in the Surfer's book.
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