Marl Kincaid
T.H.E. Cat
Mr. Kotter
John Carter Of Mars
Steed and Mrs. Peel
You know who doesn't get enough respect? Ant-Man, that's who. I mean, aside from this:
...even most comic fans are too caught up in Hank Pym's various mental instabilities to really pay attention to how tough Ant-Man was.
Need I remind you that, in Avengers #1 (1963), it was Ant-Man who defeated Loki??
Hmm, I still sense no respect coming from you guys. So we'd best show what happens when you piss Ant-Man off.
Ultron has erased most of Hank Pym's memories (see what I mean about mental instability??), so he doesn't recognize any of the Avengers. And he's feeling a little feisty:
And even though the Vision is radder than you think, he's helpless against Ant-man's onslaught!
Jim Shooter, George Perez and Pablo Marcos bring us power in a pint-sized package courtesy of Avengers #161 (1977).
Now vote for this fight, or Dan Slott will be forced to go even more over the top with his redonkulous "Eternity says Hank Pym is the Scientist Supreme" silliness....and nobody wants that (sorry, Dan).

shrinking is generally right down there with "Talking with fish" in the super power rankings as far as most fans are concerned. I think this partially led to the insecurity that was a factor in many of Hank's mental woes. I mean it's obvious, first he shrinks but gets no respect so what does he do? Become GIANT man, in real life no doubt he'd buy a hummer.
Lazarus Lupin
Ah, I had that issue when I was, what, 6? I could remember being a fan of Ant-Man when I was little. I think that issue must have been why! (Also probably because I was the youngest and smallest of my friends and siblings.)
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