Monday, December 4, 2017

Manic Monday--Classics NOT Illustrated!!

The problem with comics adapting literary classics is, well, they still take too damn long to read!! I mean, come on, all those pages of illustrating classics is just taking space away from punchin' Nazis and funny animals and stuff.

Allow Nesbit Publishing's Superior Stories to come to your rescue!

See, Kenneth Branagh?!?! Who needs five acts and 4 hours, when you can get the whole damned story done in one page!!

Superior Stories exclusively did adaptions of (public domain!) literary stories or biographies of famous people. But 1 story per issue? Pshaw! We've got room to cram even more knowledge down our readers' throats!

Man, that's even better than Cliff's Notes!!

Who needs nuance and dialogue and metaphor? Cram it into one page!


Of course, by issue #3, Superior Stories made the inspirational leap: Why use even one full page?!? You can tell all of these tales in just 1/2 a page!!


The end indeed.

Of interest to some of today's political arguments in the next issue blurb from #3:

Oh, dear. Now you know what they were teaching your parents and grandparents...

Someone talked some sense into them, because that particular feature never emerged in the 4th (and final) issue of Superior Stories.

From Superior Stories #1-3 (1955)

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