He is, of course, entitled to his opinion on such matters.
But what really caught my eye was this particular quote:
you’ll forgive me but I think that a snarky pseudo-hip attitude towards mainstream comics is uninteresting.
Wow. Have you ever read any of your own Avengers scripts, bro? Because they're pretty much the epitome of "snarky pseudo-hip attitude towards mainstream comics."

OK, here's a few "journalistic" questions: why are you padding out a 2 issue storyline to six issues? Are you really just writing for the trades? Shouldn't we expect more for a comic you're charging us $3.99 for? Is this the reason New Avengers sales have dropped by almost 50,000 from issue #1--because you're boring the audience with the glacial pacing? Or because you snarky, pseudo-hip attitude towards mainstream comics is grating to the reader?
You say "comics as an art form is in fantastic shape." Isn't artificially padding out stories to better market them in other media actually harming it? Are you capable of writing a tighter story anymore, or is this "write everything in 6-issue arcs for the trades" practice being dictated to you by corporate?
What's your obsession with Doctor Strange? Why do we keep resolving issues of who is the Sorcerer Supreme and other mystical matters of the Marvel Universe in New Avengers, as opposed to giving Strange or Brother Voodoo their own mags? Speaking of character obsessions, what's so special about Luke Cage, Spider-Man, and Wolverine? Is there a reason they're in every incarnation of the Avengers you write? Or is that mandated by corporate, as well?
Wow, what do you know, that was fun...
Not only was it fun but it hit the nail right on the head.
Yup, a very smart post!
Bendis: Putting the "twit" in "Twitter".
Can I start the slow clap?!?!?
you should totally track bendis down and ASK him those questions.
Thoughtful longform investigative journalism and critique by the snell method: You just rephrase the invective you've used a dozen times (by a conservative estimate) before as rhethorical questions; fans who share your dislikes will lap it up!
@ Mock!
Can I join in?
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