*Hal Jordan defected to "The People's Republic";
*They beat the living crap out of Hal;
*The U.S. government sends Batman in to bring Green Lantern back;
*Batman got captured;
*Batman beat the crap out of Green Lantern for being a traitor.
Gosh bless Bob Haney, that was only the first 6 pages. So let's continue, along with a bit of a compare/contrast with a more recent Batman epic.
Our heroes' captor, Colonel Vakla, is wisely suspicious that they might be trying to pull some fast one on him, because after all, Justice Leaguers don't defect every day, and Batman doesn't get captured very often. So he decides upon the ultimate test:

First up: Drugs!!

Allow me to compare to Batman R.I.P., wherein Batman was vulnerable to hallucinogenic drugs...but he had a back-up plan to create a fake personality (well, actually, two of them) in case it ever happened.
Next--The Tank!!

Next--The Theatre Of The Absurd:

So what was behind the final door? What was the final act of The Demolishment?!?

But, guess what--Batman wasn't really broken. You see, that was the whole point of this defection/rescue escapade--to discover the secrets of The Demolishment!!

So there are your two versions of Batman: Grant Morrison's "always prepared for everything" Batman, who could be broken but had ridiculously convoluted schemes to overcome it; and Bob Haney, whose Batman was macho enough not to broken by any of those shenanigans in the first place.
You can decide for yourself which version of Batman you prefer, but let me put this to you: which version had Batman smacking around Hal Jordan?
Case closed.
From The Brave And The Bold #134 (1977).
'Nuff said. Hands down.
Hal - smacking is always apprectiated.
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