So let's check out how one particular fight directly lead to the U.S. Of A. winning WWII. Seriously!!
Alan Armstrong, Spy Smasher, has gone to Rome to stop the Nazis from finding Leonardo da Vinci's hidden plans for "the greatest weapon conceived by man."
Seriously. Spielberg, Lucas, it sounds like you owe some royalties to Spy Smasher. Jonathan Hickman, you get a pass, because I'm grooving on your stuff.
Anyhoo, Spy Smasher gets himself caught (oops), and is prepared to face a firing squad. But this is Mussolini's turf, and apparently Il Duce went to the S.P.E.C.T.R.E. school of enemy elimination:
Anyway, Spy Smasher escapes (by hijacking a charging elephant--seriously!), finds the hidden plans in a skull in the catacombs, and hightails it home. Hurray!!!
And what, exactly, was Leonardo's greatest invention of all?!?!
And somebody please help me convince Spacebooger that what Spy Smasher found were Leonardo's plans for the atom bomb. Because that would be about the most awesome thing ever. And 150 gazillion times than The da Vinci Code...
The course of WWII was changed forever in Spy Smasher #8 (1942), writer unknown, art by Emil Gershwin.
Now, go and vote for this fight, and I will also reveal Leonardo's secret recipe for egg salad that Spy Smasher also recovered...

Did that guy just use the names of Santa's reindeer as swear words? You don't even get coal for that, you get reindeer droppings.
They're Nazis...I doubt they were getting presents, anyway...
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