Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Your Tax Dollars At Work--Wildlife Willie!!

As hunting season approaches in various locales, whom can we turn to to help us with proper gun safety?

Thank you, Colorado Department Of Game And Fish!

Let's just see what the Colorado Department Of Game And Fish thinks of the firearm safety skills of Coloradans...

There's about 50 more of these, folks...it's amazing the entire state hasn't wiped itself out, apparently!

From Wildlife Willie (1962)


Erich said...

All good advice (but did people really NEED to be told not to shoot power insulators?), and the art does have a charming appeal.

Jason Glor said...

So if you can't carry loaded guns in your car, or into your home, and you must treat all guns as if they are loaded, then does that mean that you can't carry any gun into your car or home, whether loaded or not?