Monday, October 30, 2017

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--Another Way Millennial Are Spoiled!

It's 1942 on Earth-2, and Wonder Woman is trying to sneak Black Canary into a Nazi fortress.

Oh, that's "our" Black Canary, Ollie's girlfriend. This tale involves time travel and dimension-hopping and threats to all existence and stuff. Sort of a proto-Flashpoint.

Anyway, Wonder Woman is trying to sneak Black Canary into a Nazi fortress:

OK--I would pay any amount of money if the second Woman film shows us Amazons shooting bullets at babies. Or is it babies shooting bullets at each other?!?!?!

Even allowing for dramatic license and exaggeration, we still need to see Bullets-And-Bracelets with children. No wonder Amazons were so tough. You don't see today's kids doing that.

But..."we" play it in "infancy"? How many infants did the Amazons have? So confusing...

Aside: If Themyscira (and/or Paradise Island, since we're on Earth-2) was hidden away from the world of man for so long, where did they get revolvers? And bullets?

From World's Finest Comics #250 (1976)

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