Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Bold Fashion Choices--The World's Finest Team Goes Commando!!

I know that many of you have been asking the same question that I have been asking for years: Boxers or briefs, Superman? Thong or Underoos, Batman?

It turns out that we were all wrong.

Superman is inspecting some mysterious energy that seems to have infected his uniform. And, well...

Damn!! I guess he really was wearing his underwear on the outside the whole time!!

Meanwhile, simultaneously...

OK, not a lot left to the imagination there.

So, Earth's two greatest super-heroe's wear nothing--NOTHING!!!--under their costumes!!


Boys, what would Martha say? (Either Martha!!)

From World's Finest Comics #251 (1976). And yes, the brain of George "Gorilla Boss" Dyke plays a crucial role in this story. Go figure.


anthrax2525 said...

Don't look, Ethel!!!

SallyP said...

That is a whole lot more of Superman than I am accustomed to seeing!