Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday Night Fights--After-Image Style!!

This week's Friday Night Fights shows why the Flash is never outnumbered!!

The Flash has beaten Mirror Master, and left him for the Central City police to pick up.

Bad move, because the rest of the Rogues rescue his unconscious body, and take it to their hideout.


The CW show should be this much fun...

Spacebooger wishes the Trickster was using his special yo-yos, instead of a boring old dart gun.

Fists faster than the eye can see from Flash #256 (1977), by Carey Bates, Irv Novick and Frank McLaughlin

Now is the time for you to go and vote for my fight. Why? Flash just beat up more crooks in one fight than in everyone else's Friday Night Fights combined (I'm guessing). So go vote!!


SallyP said...

I don't quite know why... but gosh darn it, I do love the Rogues.

Required field must be blank said...

James Jesse is phoning it in - "My steel tipped dart"? That's a trick? C'mon - put some effort into it.