Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Last November, reacting to statements from Marvel and JMS that The Twelve was "almost done," I boldly made this statement:

"I call dibs on February 2012 in the "When will The Twelve #9 actually show up" pool..."

So what does Marvel announce at SDCC? "The Twelve #9 is coming in February 2012."

What do I win?

Two things to note: A) At nearly 3 1/2 years between issues, this breaks the record established by Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk #2-3 and Planetary #26-27. Congratulations to all involved!!

B) It's JMS, so matter what they say, don't count on it meeting that ship date...


MOCK! said...

I had TOTALLY forgotten about the EXISTENCE of the Hulk Wolverine mini. Just read the synopsis on Wikipedia....might be glad I never finished buying it...

Siskoid said...

I had no doubt that JSM could break the record.

How can this be the same man who basically wrote whole seasons of Babylon 5 alone? I shall never reconcile the two.

Wayne Allen Sallee said...

I didn't mind waiting on Planetary, and certainly didn't care about the Lindelof comic with Ultimate Wolverine & Hulk (was it Ultimate Hulk, or regular Hulk?).

But I gotta say, I was really enjoying The Twelve. #9 in 2012, #12 in 2018. Someone please read the ending to me in my nursing home.

snell said...

Siskoid--well, B5 was his show, so one might suspect a bit of pride & proprietary interest kept him on deadline there. As for the comics? They're not "his" property, so probably less motivation. And, like many a writer crossing over from other media, he doubtless doesn't consider comics a real medium, or at least important enough to sweat over: he certainly managed to finish several movie screenplays during his failure to complete runs on The Twelve, Thor, Brave & The Bold, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. Priorities, man...

Wayne--Sorry, 3 full years between Planetary issues was unprofessional and insulting to the audience. A lot of people give Ellis and Cassiday a pass because the title was great, but not me.

notintheface said...

The Planetary delay was even the subjest of the winning entry of one of Chris Sims' 30-Second Recap contests: http://www.the-isb.com/images/PlanetaryRecap.jpg

Another victim of JMS' lack of follow-through: Squadron Supreme. http://stars-and-garters.blogspot.com/2010/03/friday-night-fights-bad-boys-round-12.html