Well, since the DC Borg Collective has assimilated the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents, some of you yung'uns probably have a question or three...
Q: What does T.H.U.N.D.E.R. stand for?
Give 'em a break...it was the 1960s, and everything had to be a ridiculously overcomplicated acronym. Later in the original series, their chief foe was S.P.I.D.E.R. (Secret People's International Directorate for Extralegal Revenue). Seriously
Q: So what's the deal with their powers?
A: Well. An evil dude named the Warlord is trying to steal "every scientific development he can," the better to take over the world. Sadly, Professor Jennings was the stupid kind of scientist, who never kept notes:
So, the few inventions that are left behind, the good guys really don't know how they work.
And when they do get them to work, well, they're kind of counterproductive:
Q: What about this Noman dude?
He's an old scientist who figured out a way to transfer his mind into android bodies...
...and as a bonus, he's given an invisibility cape!!
Which leads to incredible scenes like this, where an invisible android fights a squad of Neanderthals:
Q: Please tell me they had an underwater hero?
A: How about UNDERSEA Agent?
OK, he fights above water and has magnetic powers...but he's got a helmet!!
Q: Who is the team badass?
How about The Raven? Those are "energy claws," which also fires heat beams and stun beams and wonderful stuff.
Q: How dumb is Dynamo?

A: Really dumb.
Q: What's the deal with Menthor?
A: He's agent Janus, a traitor (get it? GET IT?) infiltrating T.H.U.N.D.E.R.
But he's given Professor Jennings' Mentho helmet, which gives him psychic and psychokinetic powers...but it also turns him to the side of good (but only while he's wearing it)!!
Q: Where can I read these rad stories?
A: Good luck. DC published hardcover Archives volumes, reprinting the original Tower comics 1960s series, early this decade. They're out of print, but you can find some of them at Amazon, or perhaps you'll get lucky an find some gathering dust at your local comics shoppe. As to the 1980's JC Comics series, Deluxe Comics series, Solson Comics single issue, or various other oddball appearances, good luck. Scour those quarter bins...
Q: Why should I care?
A: The initial run was masterminded by Wally Woods, and featured such talent as Gil Kane, Steve Skeates, George Tuska, Steve Ditko, Joe Orlando, Al Williamson...the list goes on and on. The assorted 80s attempted relaunches contained work from Dave Cockrum, George Perez, Keith Giffen, Jerry Ordway...
Besides, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents was bitching, a silly but fast-paced Silver Age nut farm.
Q: What can we expect from DC's new, in-universe T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents?
A: I don't know...but George Perez is free...
Panels taken from JC Comics T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1 (1983) ; Hall Of Fame T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1 (1983), which reprinted the original 60s stories; and Deluxe Comics Wally Wood's T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #3 (1985).
Q: What does T.H.U.N.D.E.R. stand for?

Q: So what's the deal with their powers?
A: Well. An evil dude named the Warlord is trying to steal "every scientific development he can," the better to take over the world. Sadly, Professor Jennings was the stupid kind of scientist, who never kept notes:

He's an old scientist who figured out a way to transfer his mind into android bodies...

Which leads to incredible scenes like this, where an invisible android fights a squad of Neanderthals:

A: How about UNDERSEA Agent?

Q: Who is the team badass?

Q: How dumb is Dynamo?

Q: What's the deal with Menthor?
A: He's agent Janus, a traitor (get it? GET IT?) infiltrating T.H.U.N.D.E.R.

A: Good luck. DC published hardcover Archives volumes, reprinting the original Tower comics 1960s series, early this decade. They're out of print, but you can find some of them at Amazon, or perhaps you'll get lucky an find some gathering dust at your local comics shoppe. As to the 1980's JC Comics series, Deluxe Comics series, Solson Comics single issue, or various other oddball appearances, good luck. Scour those quarter bins...
Q: Why should I care?
A: The initial run was masterminded by Wally Woods, and featured such talent as Gil Kane, Steve Skeates, George Tuska, Steve Ditko, Joe Orlando, Al Williamson...the list goes on and on. The assorted 80s attempted relaunches contained work from Dave Cockrum, George Perez, Keith Giffen, Jerry Ordway...
Besides, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents was bitching, a silly but fast-paced Silver Age nut farm.
Q: What can we expect from DC's new, in-universe T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents?
A: I don't know...but George Perez is free...

1 comment:
Wow. I had a vague memory of a single comic I had in the 60's with that android mindswitching guy. He had to do it before one of his android bodies died if I recall, and in the issue that I had, he was down to just a few bodies. I am so glad you posted this! Now I know what I was reading.
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