Saturday, September 30, 2017

Nick Fury's Freaky Vacation!!

If you having been reading the Nick Fury miniseries, well, than you've been missing stuff like this:

Click on those panels to embiggen them to full-pyschedelic style...

In case you're wondering, Nick Fury Jr was trying to take a vacation, but ended up in a Potemkin village used to train assassins, so he had to fight the entire town. Because comics.

This trippy little mini-series was from James Robinson (writer), Aco (pencils), Hugo Petrus (inks) and Rachelle Rosenberg (colors). And man, it is head-trippingly good. Like the issue where Fury had surgery to temporarily make him an Atlantean because there was a Hydra spy in Atlantis and Namor wouldn't accept help from S.H.I.E.L.D. but the process would only work for 3 hours and then Attuma showed up and...

Or you get the second best train fight ever:

You know, I didn't think it was possible to get me to like Nick Fury Jr., but these cats did.

The series is done--it was just 6 issues--and I heartily recommend you seek it out when it hits trade, or ends up in discount bins, or when Comixology has a sale.

Also, that Aco guy? I think he's a keeper. Maybe we could chip in to buy him a full name...?

From Nick Fury #3 & #5 (2017)

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