Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Missing In Action

After the buttload of DC announcements over the past couple of weeks, and the DC October solicitations, there's one name noticeable by its glaring omission:

Wally West.

Remember about this time last year, when at the various conventions we were promised that Wally wouldn't be disappearing after the rebirth of Barry Allen? He would be in the Titans, he would have a back-up series, he would be playing an important role in the Flash series??

Not so much. I hate it when I'm right.

Unless I've missed something (which is certainly possible), Wally West hasn't been so much as mentioned in a DC mag the end of Flash:Rebirth. Nothing. Maybe he's invisible...

We miss you, Wally...hope you're not in limbo too long. At least they haven't killed you yet, like the inconvenient Ryan Choi...


Mark Engblom said...

Apparently, Wally recently popped up in that red-hot chart topper Magog...which may actually be an even bigger insult than not appearing at all. Let's see.....being completely ignored or showing up in an unpopular title starring a caricature of 1990's superhero excess. Gee, thanks DC!

I'm less worried about Wally's fate (since I'm a "Barry Guy" from way, way back), but still....he carried the flame for a generation, and the guy deserves a little better treatment.

And a better costume. Really...THAT'S the best a professional artist could do to differentiate Wally from Barry?

ejaz14357 said...

Hope you're not in limbo too long. At least they haven't killed you yet.