Superman visits the Chicago area! In this issue, Superman discovers that there is a darkness even more immense than outer space: the darkness of the human heart turned against itself.
Look kids--comics!!
Sorry, guys, you couldn't pay me enough to read this issue. Especially with the subtle story-telling hand of JMS writing it. Especially after Superman deliberately endangered a child in the first chapter of this arc.
So thank you for the advance notice, JMS, on why I should drop Superman from my pull list.
Yeah....child abuse. Something Superman never would have known about had he not decided to wander around America. Let me guess...the story will end with Superman looming menacingly over the abusive father/step-father while issuing a veiled threat of returning if the child is hurt again.
You know, just like that episode of The Incredible Hulk thirty-one years ago.
No Mark, he'll tell the kid to tell his abusive dad to give him a message...
oh man.
we're going to do so many jms superman comics in the next year, i can already see it.
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