Well, besides telling us that NFL fans were huge consumers of IBM's PS/1 and aluminum (?), and serving as a subliminal "don't criticize the referees, they do a better job than you could!" message, the bits were fun enough.
So when I saw this blurb on the cover of World's Finest #202 (1971)...

So observe the cover below (click to embiggen), and prepare...to make the call!!

So, fans, does that count as a "cop-out"? YOU MAKE THE CALL!!
2) Malis, the insane alien robot mummy with a red-sun-energy nuclear reactor for a head (see, I told you I wasn't making it up!) is "commanding" our heroes to fight to the death.
Except, in the actual story, a) he doesn't command anybody, not even the Superman robot, and b) he doesn't even turn up until the Superman robot has beaten everybody. Plus, on this cover, Malis certainly has a better grasp of the English language than he does on the inside, where all he says is "DOOM" and "DOOM TO ALL FLESH."
So, fans, does this count as a "symbolic picture," or a "cop-out," or is it fair artistic licence? YOU MAKE THE CALL!!
3) The cover art is by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano, whilst the interior is art is actually by Dick Dillin and Joe Giella. Cop-out? YOU MAKE THE CALL!!!
um...cop out.
I'm going with "cop out"....EXCEPT for Number 3. Going from Adams/Giordano to Dillin/Giella, circa 1971, wasn't such a steep art quality drop compared to some other books where Neal handled the covers.
cop out.
Cop out.
But again, this is DC circa 1971.
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