Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Night Fights--Russell Crowe Style!!

It's Friday Night Fights, and last week we showed Black Bolt kicking Hulk's butt. Since it's REPEAT--REHASH--REVENGE, I've got to use one of those two this week.

I'm bored with Black Bolt, so let's do Hulk. But not just any Hulk. No, we're doing late-1990s-ridiculously-over-hyper-muscled-uber-violent Hulk.

The set up? He's fighting Gladiator of the Imperial Guard. Why? Don't worry about why--let's just start with the punchin' and the organ removal!!

OUCH!! Gladiator gets a french-fried face! Hulk-with-Banner's-brain whoops Marvel's Superman analogue (the non-Sentry one, that is).

Of course, Spacebooger does not approve of the gratuitous ultra-violence on display here. He loves it, but he doesn't approve.

Chris Cooper, Jeff Rebner and Mark Irwin have Hulk bare his heart to us in Incredible Hulk Annual #21 (1997).

Voting for my fight certainly isn't required--but, given that the Hulk is on my speed-dial, you might want to consider the consequences of not voting for me...


notintheface said...

Boy, good thing you listed the issue credits, because otherwise I would have had NO CLUE WHATSOEVER that this was from the 90's!

notintheface said...

Boxing the Superman analogue's ears?

Ironically, that's similar to what I've got planned for Round 12.