Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dial E For Eternity--Wings Of Death!!

Look, I've gotta be honest...

Nothing this exciting happens in this story.

Still, it is a fairly fun little tale, though!

Post-WWII, the skies are getting a mite bit crowded around Eternity...

OK, this is where you aviation nerds get to chime in with everything wrong in the plane's depiction.

But maybe you should wait, because this is no ordinary plane!

It's a super-bomber, from the International Security Force!!

Let's look inside, shall we?

Look, I'm no aviation nerd, but I'm pretty sure that bomber--even super-bombers--don't carry crates of dynamite. They carry, well, you know, actual bombs?!?

Anyway, it's a good thing Kid Eternity was snoopy, because it turns out that the bomber's super-bomber's crew is bent!

Polkovia?!? Aren't they in violation of the Sokovia Accords? What will Latveria say?

God, I love fictional countries.

Too late, Kid, they've already landed the super-bomber in downtown Polkovia!

But rule #1 is, don't trust foul tyrants!

Dude, you sold out the rest of the world for 50 grand. I don't think a dirty double-crosser gets to call out someone else for dirty double-crossing!!

Way to go, Kid!!



Don Quixote!! This is your second summoning!!

But why did Kid call you here? Especially since, well...'re an idiot?!?

Well, it turns out this was one of those accidental summonings...

OK, wait just one second here.

Is that seriously how it works? Are Kid's powers like Google auto-fill, so when you start saying a name, Eternity guesses what you want and fills in the rest? Does that make a lick of sense?

Well, if that's the way it works, it reinforces my theory that the Walking Dead happened when Kid had the hiccups one day.

SPECIAL BONUS FACT: The other time Kid called up Don Quixote, it was also an accident--he was trying to summon D'artagnan. Perhaps we have the beginnings of a running gag here?

Anyway, Kid finally gets who he wanted:

General Custer! This is Custer's second appearance (with his cavalry both times).

But calling a 19th century cavalry best known for being routed, and putting them against a modern military group with modern weapons, turns out not to be too much more effective than Don Quixote was.

So now what?

Hey, remember those crates of dynamite?

How about a little fire, Polkovia?!?

Whoa! Gruesome much, Keeper?

There's still the matter of getting the plane back where it belongs!


The Wright Brothers!

And before you quibble whether these early aviators could pilot a modern super-bomber, remember Kid's earlier observation that the plane was "partly remote controlled, " whatever the hell that means.

Anyway, it works, so they must be able to handle the plane!

And world peace is once more assured!!

This was the 73rd Kid Eternity tale, and the summoning chart is:

Abu 1
Achilles 4
Adam 1
Antony, Marc 2
Apollo 1
Aramis 2
Arnold, Benedict 1
Arthur, King 2
Astor, John Jacob 1
Athos 2
Atlas 3
Attila The Hun 1
Attucks, Crispin 1
Baker, Lafayette 1
Barry's father 1
Barton, Clara 1
Bernhardt, Sarah 1
Bertillon, Alphonse 3
Blackhawk 1
Bloodhounds (Legree's) 1
Bluebeard 1
Bolivar, Simon 1
Boone, Daniel 1
Bowie, Jim 1
Boyd, Belle 1
Brady, Diamond Jim 1
Breitbart, Zishe 1
Bridger, Jim 1
British Tank crew 1
Bucephalus 2
Bunyan, Paul 3
Byron, George Gordon 2
Caesar, Octavian 1
Cagliostro, Alessandro 1
Calhoun, John C. 1
Canary, Martha “Calamity” 1
Cannon, John W. 1
Capulet, Juliet 1
Carden, Foster 1
Carpenter, Daniel 1
Cave Man 1
Cherry Sisters 1
Christian, Fletcher 1
Clancy, Patrick 1
Cleopatra 1
Cody, “Buffalo” Bill 2
Colt, Samuel 1
Columbus, Christopher 2
Corbett, Jim 3
Corcoran, Peter 1
Crockett, Davy 1
Cronson, Gerald 1
Crusaders 1
Crusoe, Robinson 1
Custer, George Armstrong 2
D'artagnan 2
d'Aubigny. Julie 1
Daedalus 1
Dagger Dan 1
Davis, Richard Harding 1
de Bergerac, Cyrano 2
de Leon, Ponce 1
de Rais, Gilles 1
Decatur, Stephen 1
Discus Thrower 1
Dockstader, Lew 1
Dracula 1
Drake, Sir Francis 1
Dupin, C. Auguste 1
Edison, Thomas 1
Emery 1
Ericson, Leif 2
Fagin 1
Fairbanks, Douglas Sr. 1
Faraday, Michael 1
Fink, Mike 1
Frankenstein's Monster 1
Franklin, Ben 1
Galahad 1
Geronimo 2
Goliath 1
Gotch, Frank 1
Gothicus, Claudius 1
Grant, Ulysses S. 1
Graymalkin 1
Greb, Harry 1
Griffiths, Albert 1
Gulliver, Lemuel 1
Hamilton, Alexander 1
Hatfield, John 1
Hathorne, John 1
Hauser, Kaspar 1
Henry, Patrick 1
Hercules 2
Hermann, Alexander 1
Hickathrift, Tom 1
Hickok, Wild Bill 1
Hippocrates 1
Hodges, Joe 1
Holmes, Sherlock 4
Hopkins, Matthew 1
Horatius Cocles 1
Houdini, Harry 3
Houston, Sam 1
Hyde, Edward 1
Hyer, Tom 1
Ikhnaton 1
Ismail, Yusuf 1
Jackson, Andrew 1
James, Jesse 1
Javert 2
Jeffries, Jim 1
Johnson, Martin 1
Jones, John Paul 1
Jove 2
Kamehameha 1
Khan, Genghis 2
Kidd, William 1
Lafayette, General 1
Lancelot 2
Larsen, Wolf 1
Laughing Cavalier 1
Laveran, Charles 1
Leander 3
Lee, Robert E. 1
Legree, Simon 1
Leonidas 2
Light Brigade 1
Lincoln, Abraham 1
Lister, Joseph 2
Macbeth's Witches 1
Marable, Fate 1
Marshall, John 1
Masterson, Bat 1
McGrew, Dan 1
Mercury 5
Merlin 1
Mesmer, Franz 1
Milo Of Croton 2
Minutemen 1
Mix, Tom 1
Montague, Romeo 1
Montezuma 1
Morgan, Henry 1
Mounties 1
Mulgrew, Jason 1
Murphy, Charles 1
Napoleon 1
Nation, Carrie 1
Neanderthal 2
Nefertiti 1
Neptune 1
Nightingale, Florence 1
Noah 1
Nobel, Alfred 2
Nobody 2
North Wind 1
Nostradamus 2
O'Brien, David 1
Oakley, Annie 1
Og 1
Orpheus 1
Osceola 1
Paddock, Charley 1
Pasteur, Louis 1
Penelope 1
Perseus 1
Pheidippides 2
Pied Piper 1
Pinkerton, Allan 1
Plastic Man 1
Pocahontas 1
Porthos 3
Post, Wiley 1
Prometheus 1
Quixote, Don 2
Revere, Paul 1
Richard the LionHeart 1
Rin-Tin-Tin 2
Robespierre, Maximilien 1
Robin Hood 3
Roc 1
Rogers' Rangers 2
Röntgen, Wilhelm 1
Russell, Lillian 1
Rustum 1
Ryan, Paddy 1
Samson 3
Sandow, Eugen 1
Sayers, Tom 1
Schleyer, Johann 1
Serra, Junipero 1
Shakespeare, Willaim 1
Siegfried 1
Silver, Long John 2
Skunk, Jimmy 1
Socrates 1
Solomon 1
Stanley, Henry 1
Steinmetz, Charles 2
Stogie 1
Sullivan, John L. 2
Tecumseh 1
Tell, William 1
Thalfi 1
Thor 3
Thumb, Tom 1
Thurston, Howard 1
Tiglath IV 1
Tuck, Friar 1
Tut-ankh-amen 1
Twain, Mark 1
Ulysses 1
Uncas 1
Valjean, Jean 1
Vercingetorix 1
Villa, Pancho 1
Villon, Francois 1
von Helmholtz, Hermann 1
Vulcan 1
Washington, George 3
Watson, John H 1
Webster, Daniel 2
Whittington, Richard 1
Wright Brothers 1
Xanthippe 1
Zbyzko, Stanislaus 1

NEXT--Love and Amelia Earhart!!

From Kid Eternity #12 (1948)

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