Monday, October 15, 2018

Manic Monday Triple Overtime--Siri, Alexa, Google...Or Bill Buster?!?!

So, we're all living in the future now, right? Computers and phones and "smart speakers" and the internet on every damned gadget, all we need is replicators and we're living the Jean-Luc Picard lifestyle! Thanks, tech companies!!

Ah, but is any of it particularly new?

Check out the snazzy smart home put together by perpetual loser Bill Buster!

What, you can't walk up one flight of stairs, lady?

Ah, fortunately, there's no need to!

What about dinner?



Sounds great!! And i don't even have to say "OK, Google" every time!



Too bad you can't call tech support, Bill!!

From All Great Comics (1945)

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