If there are young children reading this, you might to make sure they're not in the room when you check out this entry...because you're about to experience---
A GROOVE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You see, back in the 1960's, even the most staid of media franchises sometimes just went plain nuts, acting like someone had laced their Wheaties with a couple of tabs of acid, in a vain attempt to seem hip and groovy to the increasingly powerful youth market.
And of course, in the 1960's virtually every TV show had a comic book spun off from it. Seriously, for just about every show that survived more than one season, Dell or someone would rush in with some licensing money to do a comics version.
Combine those two trends, and you get--
A GROOVE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, with that in mind, brace yourself...because you can never be ready for this:
My local comic shoppe has this available for 20 bucks. I'm sorely tempted, except a) you know the story itself has gotta suck, b) you know the story itself likely has no relation to the cover, and c) I can't justify the 20 bucks right now.
But the guitar...the tights...the crazed look on Elizabeth Montgomery's face...the insanely bare cover design...the "Wacky Way-out World of Witches!!"
Man, maybe I will head back to the shoppe this weekend...
A GROOVE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You see, back in the 1960's, even the most staid of media franchises sometimes just went plain nuts, acting like someone had laced their Wheaties with a couple of tabs of acid, in a vain attempt to seem hip and groovy to the increasingly powerful youth market.
And of course, in the 1960's virtually every TV show had a comic book spun off from it. Seriously, for just about every show that survived more than one season, Dell or someone would rush in with some licensing money to do a comics version.
Combine those two trends, and you get--
A GROOVE ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, with that in mind, brace yourself...because you can never be ready for this:

My local comic shoppe has this available for 20 bucks. I'm sorely tempted, except a) you know the story itself has gotta suck, b) you know the story itself likely has no relation to the cover, and c) I can't justify the 20 bucks right now.
But the guitar...the tights...the crazed look on Elizabeth Montgomery's face...the insanely bare cover design...the "Wacky Way-out World of Witches!!"
Man, maybe I will head back to the shoppe this weekend...
Ohh, man...
I wish you hadn't shown me that.
You do, of course, realize that's not Samantha on the cover, but her identical twin cousin, Serena.
Billed on the show as being played by "Pandora Spocks."
Oh. My. God. That's definitely one of the greatest comic book covers EVER!!!
Well, the sixties were the Golden Age of "identical twin cousins," after all.
My eyes, my eyes!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Oh. Baby. Just where is she putting that left index finger . . . oowwwwwwoooooooaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh . . .
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