Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Night Fights--Colossus Style!!


Yeah, now THAT'S a sucker punch!!

This titanic battle of behemoths took place in Astonishing Tales #24, Featuring It! The Living Colossus in mortal combat with Fin Fang Foom!!

If I could, I would buy 1 million copies of this comic, and distribute it across the country to our nation's children, like Johnny Appleseed, so our youth can understand what TRULY STUPENDOUS AND EARTH-SHATTERING BATTLE SCENES should be like.

I also wish I could scan every single panel of this comic for you loyal readers, but I'll just go with the selected highlights. Early on, Fin Fang Foom, having sucker punched the Colossus, has the upper hand:

Colossus moves like a statue...

Judo chop!
But later, in the inevitable rematch, our giant-statue-carved-by-a-Soviet-dissident-and-possessed-by-a-conquering-alien-but-now-occupied-by-the-mind-of-a-Hoolywood-special-effects-master-crippled-in-a-freak-explosion gains the upper hand on our apparently-real-and-not-at-all-mythological-Chinese-dragon:




THRACK!Now that's a heart-warming battle.

No time for love, Dr. Bahlactus!!


Anonymous said...

You know, "throck" is one of my fav sound effects.

Hmmmm....but "Fwak" is pretty good, too.

Bully said...

Now that's a great fight! Awesome!