From X-Men #21 (1966)
This series is inspired a cartoon in an ancient issue of The Comics Journal...sorry, I can't remember the issue number, but it was early 80s. There was a long piece analyzing the Claremont/Byrne X-Men, and some accompanying cartoons. One displayed Marvel Girl using her mind to hurl a teapot at Magneto, who died laughing. Cyclops said, "Good job, Jean. The ludicrous underuse of your telekinetic powers caused Magneto to pass out from laughing." (Or something like that...this is from ancient memory, folks).
So if anybody knows who did that cartoon, or even better has a scan of it, I can give full credit for the inspiration...
Wow - what next? The lame mutant version of "reaching around & tapping the oppossite shoulder" trick??!
Nice one, Jean.
Hey everyone, it WORKED. This is why capes should be avoided. They are just lucky there's a comic code in the works or pants be going down mateys.
Lazarus Lupin
art and review
I was working on a post a year back about a fight between Mags and Jean from the Thomas/Adams X-Men run titled "Silly Female! Your Puny Telekinesis Is No Match For My... JET PACK!!", involving a fight where a) Magneto underestimated Jean and treated her like an afterthought and b) Jean grossly underused her TK, hurling objects at Mags when she should have been bouncing him off his hideout's walls like a pinball, especially since his powers were curtailed at the time.
But, in JMS fashion, I got bored and never completed it.
This reminds me of the pinup series that appeared in the early run of the X-Men I had as a kid- each character was given an origin story and a splash page of them using their powers. Except when they got to Jean. She only got a splash page that read 'No Wonder They Call her Marvel Girl' which showed Jean, in full costume and hands on hips, pealing an apple telekineticly. I remember thinking at the time how lame it was...
Similar to what Tom wrote:
I remember reading one of the early X-Men stories where everyone got a panel or two showing off thier powers. Angel was flying through flaming hoops, Beast was leaping over pits of spikes......and Jean was doing needlepoint with her mind.
Hmm, what happened next - was Lucifer's cape glued to his costume, then?
I've just realised, Jean as in genes ... maybe!
Dur! And now I see my comment on #2 was redundant.
@notintheface: a fight between Mags and Jean from the Thomas/Adams X-Men run titled "Silly Female! Your Puny Telekinesis Is No Match For My... JET PACK!!"
Yeah, that one cracks me up. Magneto's whole plan is to enslave men using Lorelei, and Jean's like, "hello, I'm standing RIGHT HERE!" and proceeds to kick his ass.
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