FACT: Superman is so smooth, he proposes to two ladies at the same time--in the same room!! Word.
Then again, it's the Silver Age, so the characterization of our heroines is sufficiently flimsy and/or non-existent that there's essentially no way to guess from their personalities whether Lana or Lois would still marry Superman. It's a coin flip/writer's whim.
Still then again, it is the Silver Age, so I'd gladly wager a dollar that the one who "refuses" powerless Superman is not really refusing him, but doing it a) to protect him, or b) to goad him into rehabbing himself back into super-powerdom, because she some some little clue that indicates that Superman is faking, or that all psychosomatic, or whatever.
Finally, let me quibble with the cover blurb, because I'm pretty certain that whoever wrote it had never actually read "The Lady Or The Tiger." Because in the that story, the consequence of making the wrong decision is to be devoured by a ravenous man-eating beast, whereas in this story the worst that can happen is Superman marries Lana...
Oooooh, I get it...
Unfortunately the answer is C: the whole thing is a red kryptonite-induced hallucination, and Superman wakes up before he knows who said what. Because in the hallucination he had lost his powers, so he had to use a tape recorder to overhear Lois & Lana's conversation. BUT a freak storm interfered with the tape recorder so he couldn't tell one voice from the other.
I'm serious. (Also you owe me a dollar.)
Sigh...it's always red kryptonite!!
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