So why don't they just order him to kill himself??

They also order him to dis on the United Nations:

In fairness, they later make him nudge the orbit of the moon, causing tidal waves and leaving Atlantis a "watery ruin"--but no actual casualties, apparently. So there's a tiny bit of ambition there. But then again, it just demonstrates how stupid they are--they have a guy who can move freakin' planets under their control, and they're settling for making people hate Superman. Schmucks!
From Action Comics #295 (1962)
"Yes, you can make Superman do anything that you want him to, and you settle for making him a jerk."
So are you saying that the Superman Revenge Squad is to blame for the Grounded storyline?
The SRS is a '60s allegory for JMS?
I was going to mention that, but Mr. Commitment has already shuffled on, so I'll save the vitriol for something else...
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