Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bold Fashion Choices--BEST. TUXEDO. EVER.

Go ahead. Try to claim that it isn't--I dare you:

You can't, can you? You're hypnotized by the sheer awesomeness of it.

The sole imperfection is that the bow tie might have been better as green. That white gets lost in the shirt, and doesn't contrast well with the yellow of the cape.

But perfect or not, it IS the best tux ever. And if I ever get married, I vow that THAT is the tux I'm wearing (unless I elope to Vegas, in which case, duh.).

Thank to wedding designer Jim Aparo, on the cover of Batman Family #11 (1977).


Philip Marlowe said...

If I ever "needed" a reason to back up why Jim Aparo is my all-time favorite Bat Artist, then this would be the first bullet in my uh, "reason gun." :0

Lazarus Lupin said...


Lazarus Lupin
art and review

notintheface said...

Damn! If only my local Men's Warehouse had offered THAT choice when I was getting married last year!

Mark Engblom said...

Man, I love 1970's comics. They tried so hard to be sophisticated, but were still beholden to the attention-grabbing covers of the previous decade.

Yes, Snell, that is indeed the best tuxedo ever, although Batgirl's "bat-gown" isn't too shabby, either! Maybe we'll see a real-life cosplay wedding at the San Diego Con someday, using these very designs!

Gotta love the heat-packin' audience, too...making this wedding a true "shotgun wedding" (er...sorry).

Oh...and that blurb about the "new team" of Commissioner Gordon and Alfred? Is it just me, or is the concept of two old dudes joining forces just a tad...underwhelming? Who's next, the team of Aunt Harriet and Leslie Thompkins?

snell said...

C.K.--"Reason gun"??? Great, you've just given Grant Morrison another idea...

notintheface said...

Or Seth McFarlane.


LissBirds said...

Also: best. wedding. dress. ever!!! Her cowl doubles as a veil! Aparo is just awesome.

Sina said...

OMG, capes should totally be a part of everyday evening/formal wear!

And shame on you, snell, for disrespecting the good Ms.Gordon (and apparently future Mrs. Grayson) by totally ignoring the amazingly BITCHIN' outfit of her own!

BTW: "*IF* you ever get married..."? Why am I not surprised that you're not settled down yet? Please don't tell me you're another stereotypical comic book bachelor geek (like myself :P).