And after each band member reminisces about their date with Ms. Green, and how special and intimate it was:

Anyway, for a lady who's just been severely reproofed by a gaggle of barely-pubescent pop stars, Ms. Green is taking it pretty well:

Of course, one could ask how all 5 sisters managed to have deep, intimate dates with the boys and never once give out their first name. Are the boys really stupid, or are the girls scheming young ladies who use their identical quintuplet status to delude and defraud the rich and famous? Or maybe both...
From the aptly named New Kids On The Block: Valentine Girl (1990)
Bonus: Donnie's idea of a soul mate:

No doubt the ladies mother was Kate Gosslyn
Lazarus Lupin
art and review
Given that Jonathan Knight is openly gay, was his closet-based "dream date" intended as some sort of coded hint? :)
Re: Jonathon Knight gay...
Lol, my thoughts exactly!
Now if they could only get to work on recruiting cuter-and-dreamier Jordan, *ding-ding*! :D
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