It's Friday Night Fights, it's REPEAT-REHASH-REVENGE!! And that means, after last week's fight, I have to use either Spider-Man or the Sandman.
Well, I've got to use Spider-Man, because after 2 weeks, I'm kinda tired of the Sandman.
17 years before Batman and Gotham City crumbled under the weight of "War Games," Spider-Man and New York City trembled under the terror of Gang War!!
The Kingpin had vanished after his latest attempt to quash Daredevil had failed. In his absence, Hammerhead, Silvermane, the Rose, Hobgoblin and gosh knows who else are all fighting to control the New York rackets. Plus, the Punisher is going around shooting everybody. It's chaos, people are dying in the streets, cats and dogs are living together, and...
Anyway, the U.S. government, NYC officials, and several super-hero types have decided the devil you know is better, and they've managed to find the Kingpin, and bring him back to New York to take control. Spider-Man...does not agree, and intercepts the Kingpin's limousine:
Just be patient, my dear friends...
Why was Daredevil in a fat suit? To provide a distraction while the Kingpin is smuggled in a different way. So, let's get back to our heroes having a philosophical discussion of the wisdom of returning the Kingpin to NYC:
But it's an even bigger win for Spacebooger, who is rolling on the floor laughing at the sight of DAREDEVIL IN A FAT SUIT!!!
Jim Owsley, Erik Larsen and Art Nichols bring you the battle royale between Spidey with no spider-sense and DAREDEVIL IN A FAT SUIT in Amazing Spider-Man #287 (1987).
Now, I'm not going to tell you whom to vote for. But let me ask you a simple question: what other fight this week brought you DAREDEVIL IN A FAT SUIT??!?!?!? Case closed. Go vote.
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