Which means I must use either the Incredible Hulk, or the scandalous Sandman. Hmmm...
Let's go with Sandman, but let's take him back to his roots. He started out as a Spider-Man villain, but soon he got farmed out to everybody else so much (Hulk, Fantastic Four, Avengers, you name it). But he's always best when fighting Spider-Man.
A mysterious figure (SPOILER ALERT: It's the Kingpin!) has busted Sandman out of jail, so he can use Flint Marko to pull a job for him. Sandman decides to kill two birds with one stone: he buys an old Spider Tracer from a fence, and uses it to lure Spidey to the crime scene, so he can whoop on him.
So, Sandman: immensely clever for coming up with that ruse (heck, even Doc Ock never thought of that!), or immensely stupid for deliberately bringing Spider-Man to this clambake? You decide.
Meanwhile, fight:
Don't worry, Spidey fans: Parker wakes up, frees himself, and watches as Sandman freezes himself into a human popsicle with the cryogenic ray he was supposed to be stealing.
I guess that brings the verdict firmly down onto "immensely stupid," eh? Spacebooger certainly thinks so.
Len Wein, Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito sleep with one eye open while gripping their pillows tight in Amazing Spider-Man #154 (1976).
Now I've got to decide whom to use next week...Spider-Man or Sandman?? Well, that's my tough decision...yours is to decide who wins THIS week. Go vote!!
Never cared much for the Kirby-esque metallic costume on Sandman...I liked him best as a dopey thug with a green striped shirt.
That said, Metal-Armor Sandman has become legendary for one particular move that most assuredly did not end well for Spider-Man...and by "end", I mean a giant fist of compacted sand slammed into...well, just click HERE for the nitty-gritty.
Funny you should bring up Spider-Man's arse, Mark...tune in for tomorrow's post...
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